The Journey Home: 1917 – 1945
Released 2024
This biographical novel describes the early years of my father’s life. He and his twin brother were born in Indiana in 1917, and as children taken back to a village in what was then Czechoslovakia. After growing up in a territory that changed hands several times, my father was able to escape the Nazis in 1938 by going the Consulate General’s office in Prague to secure his US passport via Section 1 of the 14th Amendment. With war on the horizon it was a courageous journey, fleeing across Europe, boarding a passenger ship, and finally starting a new life in the US in the Civilian Conservation Corps in Utah and eventually becoming a soldier in the Army Air Corps. It is a true American story in which one twin stays back in war-torn Europe, while the other twin decides to come back to the country in which he was born.
Released 2024
This biographical novel describes the early years of my father’s life. He and his twin brother were born in Indiana in 1917, and as children taken back to a village in what was then Czechoslovakia. After growing up in a territory that changed hands several times, my father was able to escape the Nazis in 1938 by going the Consulate General’s office in Prague to secure his US passport via Section 1 of the 14th Amendment. With war on the horizon it was a courageous journey, fleeing across Europe, boarding a passenger ship, and finally starting a new life in the US in the Civilian Conservation Corps in Utah and eventually becoming a soldier in the Army Air Corps. It is a true American story in which one twin stays back in war-torn Europe, while the other twin decides to come back to the country in which he was born.
Trade Paperback Independently published and Available on Amazon
ISBN: 979-8321426883
Also available as eBook
ISBN: 979-8321426883
Also available as eBook

After Pandemics, Warming, and Political Chaos
- Climate change rages…Pandemics come and go…Oligarchs rule. A world made “great” by ignorance is in trouble.
- Fenced off and fenced in at a retirement community. Play a little golf, have some booze, and watch for wild dogs while flipping meat substitute on the grill. Can gates, razor wire, contact tracing, and drone security save them from extinction?
- An AI flown hybrid airliner heading to Orlando crash lands on a golf course. Although isolated, Latin Villages residents golf, socialize, and shop at malls. They survive on protein grown in vertical farms, micro-filtered hydration drinks, and alcohol. After the crash we’re treated to a microcosm of Earth on the brink.
- “We’re going away. Pack your shit, folks.”—George Carlin.

Rose Buckles, murdered near the Wyoming-Utah line in 1939, isn't quite buried.
Decades later, men from an FDR CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) camp cling to strands of hair.
“Impressively written with all the flair and style of a suspense thriller novel, and with more plot twists and turns than a Coney Island roller coaster, "The Girl With 39 Graves" showcases author Michael Beres' genuine flair for originality, attention to detail, and an engagingly distinctive narrative storytelling style. While unreservedly recommended for community library collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that "The Girl With 39 Graves" is also available in digital book-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Midwest Book Review
Decades later, men from an FDR CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) camp cling to strands of hair.
“Impressively written with all the flair and style of a suspense thriller novel, and with more plot twists and turns than a Coney Island roller coaster, "The Girl With 39 Graves" showcases author Michael Beres' genuine flair for originality, attention to detail, and an engagingly distinctive narrative storytelling style. While unreservedly recommended for community library collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that "The Girl With 39 Graves" is also available in digital book-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Midwest Book Review
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